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FDP Sparbuch - Was interessiert mich mein Geschwätz von Gestern. Mehr zum Thema wie immer im Forum: www.alltagsportal.de

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Posted by Caedmon Labels: , , ,
Thursday, June 30, 2011 at 8:30 AM | 0 comments  
Originally naive depictions of cows going to pasture, wooden poyas are now a popular art form. Serre Chevalier's artist Penelope has made them one of her trademarks.
Speckled, brown or black, they patiently follow one another on the path to the mountain pasture. Every June, the cattle herds climb the mountain to look for rich, fresh grass. This pastoral tradition originated in the middle ages and shaped the Alpine landscapes as well as ways of life and architecture. It also gave life to a whole set of traditions, festivals and new art forms. The 'pay as, are a reflection of this heritage. Poyas were first created in 19th century Switzerland.
The name means 'the herd is leaving' in local dialect. They were carved in wood by the farmers and then painted in bright colours. The poyas showed each farm's herd and were a way of showing guests the prosperity of the farm. Denis Buchs, director of a Swiss museum with an extensive poya collection, writes: "The poya portrays the traditional farm organisation. The farm hierarchy is clearly outlined, with the shepherd at the front, then the leading cows with their big cowbells and fancy collars, after which follow the other cows with bronze bells, heifers and calves. Goats, sheep and possibly a few pigs are at the end of the procession. All necessary equipment for working up the mountain pasture is displayed on a wagon. A mountain pasture team generally consisted of five to seven men, and they all had their given place in the line, just like the animals."
Poyas have developed from exact portraits of mountain pasture procedures to a more imaginative illustration of pastoral life. They have also spread to other Alpine regions. "Poyas are very common in the Northern French Alps, but in this area, they have been quite rare, mainly because cattle farming was unusual here," explains the Briancon poya artist Penelope. She has never the less decided to start creating local poyas, as the interest for rural art and traditional decor has seen a tremendous increase in the past years.
Penelope has lived in the area since the 1980's and works as a graphic artist as well as creating her own art. She first came to Serre Chevalier because of her passion for snowboarding, and was subsequently seduced by the tranquillity of the area. She has experimented with many different art forms, such as painting on silk and on leather, pottery and working with other textiles. In 2000, she went for a painting course in the Northern Alps, and discovered poyas and other folkloric art. "I loved these naive paintings on long, wooden boards, and had always enjoyed working with wood."
No sooner was she back in Serre Chevalier than she was producing her own poyas. "I like mixing different techniques, depending on what I feel like. First I have to choose a board. I either use old larch planks or new ones that I shape with the help ofjigsaws, files and other tools. I sometimes decorate them with wood carvings as well." After this initial process, a motif has to be conceived and painted on to the boards.
Penelope draws inspiration from old art books, photos and drawings, but also from personal experience. Her early poyas were classically naive, but she now experiments with shapes and colours. She often adds mountain flowers and evocative backdrops. Her biggest ever poya was four metres long. "The Briancon area has a tradition of sheep farming, so I decided to make poyas with sheep and goats in them, to create a closer relation to the local traditions." Her poyas range in price between 85 and 1,500 euros, depending on size and style. Poyas can be hung both inside and outside, and if you keep your eyes open, you may spot a few decorating chalets in the Serre Chevalier area.
You can often see examples of Penelope's wooden poya art in the Hotel Plein Sud in Chantemerle, Serre Chevalier.
Serre Chevalier is a wonderful part of France and although known as a ski resort, Penelope proves that art and culture is alive and well in The French Alps.

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